My Miscellanious section!
Last Updated Dec. 13/2017
Currently thie miscellanious section consists of:
- My contact page, various
ways to get ahold of me and where to submit your
'lists of demands'
when you are ready.
- Tape enders
This has various short clips I can put at the end of your tapes space
- Page toppers
This has some of the funny page topper graphics I've used over the years.
- My Math page
This page clears up a mathamatical misconception that some people had when
trying to figure out what will fit on a video tape. ^_-
- The FAQ
- The history of
- My stats page where you can see the volume I've
done since the begining of 2010.
(Sorry, I'm not going back through the old paper orders
to fill in the previous years, that would take forever. ^_-)
- My links page.
- My
message board. This is the board I set up many years ago on EZBoard
which many years later became It's still available for fansub
related discussions.
- Other pages will be added to this section later. ^_-
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times since Dec. 29/2012.
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