I'll Make A Habit Of It (Chou Kuseninarisou)
cases and labels

For printing the labels on this page if you use Avery Label Pro and a Epson Stylus COLOR 600 set the contrast +25% set to the highest resolution (1440 dpi in this case) leave the other settings alone for best results. For people who use other programs and printers you'll have to figure out the details of optimal printing yourself since I only know what my equipment and software do. ^_-

These were cases and labels were designed entirely by Dean. I did the usual modifications, more or less the same as was done to the MB cases and labels. (This page is long enough as it is without me recycling all the text on the MB page. ^_-)

I'll Make A Habit Of It 1-4 (Vol. 1)

Check out the Face Label, the Spine label, as well as the (Zipped) Microsoft Publisher file for the Case.

I'll Make A Habit Of It 5-8 (Vol. 2)

Check out the Face Label, the Spine label, as well as the (Zipped) Microsoft Publisher file for the Case.

I'll Make A Habit Of It 9-12 (Vol. 3)

Check out the Face Label, the Spine label, as well as the (Zipped) Microsoft Publisher file for the Case.

I'll Make A Habit Of It 13-16 (Vol. 4)

Check out the Face Label, the Spine label, as well as the (Zipped) Microsoft Publisher file for the Case.

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All my counters on my own web server are bi-lingual counters. Kanji on top, Arabic numerals on the bottom.

Send any comments to Glen A. Pearce @


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